“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” - C.Jung

How it all works…

Why your subconscious mind holds the key to overcoming challenges in your life..

I get it. You’ve tried other methods: Psychotherapy, Hypnosis, Regression Therapy, EFT, EMDR...

You feel good for the short term and probably got some insight in to patterns, behaviors and beliefs that don’t serve you. Maybe you’ve made some changes in your life that are moving you towards your goals. Then what? Road block. Set back. Uh oh. “I’ve failed again”.

No, you haven’t my friend. You just didn’t engage the subconscious mind and undo some of the programming that is keeping you stuck. You see, your subconscious mind which is just like a computer that was fully programmed by the time you were about 7 years old, “runs the show” around 95% of the time, controlling your thoughts, beliefs, habits and triggers. In order to make significant, lasting and impactful changes, you need to uncover and clear what has been programmed and then input new information, giving it instructions for what you actually want. Sounds easy, right? Well, it actually is. I invite you to try my Subconscious Energy Transformation (SET) method and feel the impact that comes with this unique process.

I am able to communicate with your subconscious mind and can reveal what has been programmed which doesn’t serve you and can also imprint new beliefs which help you attain what you desire. We are also able to identify stress triggers (think panic attack when get on an airplane) and past stored trauma and shift the perception of those events and situations, so they no longer impact you in the present. As we identify trapped emotions which are stuck energy in the body creating limitations and possibly illness, we are able to release them with ease. We are all made of energy and it will either flows through us or get trapped and lead to stagnation. I created the SET method to maximize your free flow of energy through subconscious transformation.


The SET (Subconscious Energy Transformation) Method is a 5- step holistic process consisting of PSYCH-K, Emotion Code & Body Code along with Transformational Coaching to “re-set” your subconscious mind by clearing the programming which keeps you stuck, causing challenges and holds you locked into old patterns and behaviors.

  • Imagine if there was a way to ask your subconscious mind what programmed beliefs are keeping you from having the success you desire in your business or where the fear comes from in not pursuing your passion.

  • Now imagine if there was a way to replace those limiting beliefs with ones aligned to help satisfy your goals and desires.

  • And what if you could transform stress triggers and past traumatic experiences so they no longer affect your present life?

  • How about finally healing from chronic illness which is just trapped energy from something unresolved in your past?

  • All this (and a helluva lot more) is possible with the processes I facilitate in my transformational sessions.

Quantum Jump to Your Highest Potential Meditation

Free Download

You can also access my Quantum Jumping Class & Scripting Prompts PDF for only $27 here.

Client’s Feedback…

 “Ever since our last session I have felt GREAT! Actually, AMAZING!  I can't thank you enough. I have new positive energy.  I don't think I have felt as good as I do now ever in my life. I really can't thank you enough.I completely believe in you and the process.” - B. Thomas, VT  

I have worked a lot on my subconscious and have come a long way, however, I reached a point where I was getting no results regarding certain embedded patterns that were bothering me and they were showing up through repetitive dreams for many years. I was struggling to figure it out and decipher what was the message and where it was coming from as it impacted my life and marriage. When this universe placed Laura on my path on Instagram I observed her work and her page and felt that she and her work could help me.  My session with Laura was very powerful. Her technique as well as her wisdom and words guided me and I released heavy emotions that were trapped for a long time. I also gained a new perspective on patterns that were holding me back. I feel lighter and clearer in a few areas of my life. We find people who can help us move into the next step at the right time, Laura was exactly the person I needed who help me heal into the next me. I am filled with gratitude”. Sahar, Buenos Aires

Working with Laura has been a truly transformative experience.  With her guidance and methods I was able to break a thirty year addiction as well as finally transform subconscious beliefs that I have been aware of for years, but unable to change through other therapies or modalitites.  Her warmth, openness, and compassion create a safe space for accessing the subconscious mind and allowing real change to take place”.  Todd R, CA

A client’s brain scan reflects the change after our work together.

“Being conscious is the highest form of self-love” - laura gevanter


Since 2010, I have been working with clients worldwide who desire lasting results beyond what is possible with most traditional change modalities. I have always been drawn to unconventional methods and solutions and am eternally curious to what can be achieved with the human potential. Being observant, perceptive and highly intuitive I often get insights into my clients blockages and triggers and can illuminate a road to freedom. While this is “serious” work, my intention is to make it a fun, exploratory journey as we explore the hidden treasures of what’s stored in the subconscious mind.

Using the modalities which communicate with the subconscious mind along with my own innate intuitive guidance we can reprogram your outdated conditioning and transform limitations freeing you to easily make changes in your life. By shifting the perception of past stress triggers or trauma, you can free up energy that draws you back to safe, constraining behaviors and habits.


  • Single Session

    Perfect for addressing a very specific situation that you would like to transform or we have previously worked together. Session is 60 min. via Zoom or in person.

  • 1 Month Package

    A month of support consisting of (4) 1- hour sessions with additional email support if needed. For those who are committed to addressing the layers of subconscious conditioning which may be contributing to their challenges and want to experience more peace and expansion in their lives.

  • 3 Month ReSET Experience

    A 3-month experience to ReSET your subconscious mind to how it was intended before life got in the way. Custom designed program consisting of a combination of subconscious energy transformation modalities and intuitive coaching. PSYCH-K, Emotion Code, Body Code

  • Emotion/Body Code Only Session

    A 30 min. session to identify and clear trapped emotions which may be contributing to challenges, physical symptoms or difficult emotional states. These are done via zoom or phone only.

More client love…

Working with Laura has been so much more enlightening than I ever anticipated.

I have been on a journey of self-exploration for many years now and have felt that I still wasn't able to access some of the deepest limiting beliefs and behaviors that have frustrated me about myself. I've used many different modalities to unlock what's been deeply programmed from childhood and even earlier, but there were still long-standing patterns that persisted.

With PSYCH-K and the Emotion Code work that Laura does, we have released so many of those patterns! It feels like a miracle each time I meet with her and feel the shift. Sometimes I'm not even aware of how deeply things shift until later when something that would have triggered me in the past no longer does. It's simply amazing to feel totally neutral about things that used to create physical and emotional "knots" and feelings of sadness or anger. Poof! They are no more, thanks to the work with Laura.

I've released so much of the childhood trauma that resulted in my feelings of unworthiness. Truly life-changing. If you've been frustrated with some aspect of yourself, despite your efforts to change it, all I can say is that working with Laura and PSYCH-K / Emotion Code will create positive ripple effects in your life that are deep and wide. You will be amazed! - Margie B. Indiana

“I enjoyed so much working with Laura. I found her very loving, supportive and passionate about her work. She understands the PSYCH-K technique well, the process of peeling out the layers, by asking the right questions, connecting us to our moment, to our needs. It is a powerful technique supporting us to change our subconscious conditionings. I found Laura at a transitional point of my life and she helped me so much finding my inner strength. Thank you!” - Claudia C. New York