You dream of starting your own business, but you are paralyzed with fear, worry and doubt which prevents you from taking any action, so you dwell in frustration.
You believe that because you’ve never been financially abundant, you never will be.
You are lacking energy, feeling blah and keep manifesting some sort of illness or injury which feels like constant setbacks.
You have experienced some sort of trauma or stressful situation in your past which continues to play out in the form of anxiety, triggers or avoidant behaviors.
When the mind, body and soul are not aligned, it causes a state of disharmony, which can create illness, stress and feelings of unhappiness and despair. Trapped emotions, limiting beliefs, past trauma and fear all contribute to this disharmony and lack of coherence. By shifting this and allowing the energy to flow, your life becomes more fulfilling and joyful, you will experience better health and vitality and manifesting your desires becomes easier.
The powerful combination of subconscious energy transformation tools create effective, long term results in a short period of time. The SET Method combines scientifically proven change modalities along with spiritual principles as we work with the quantum field to initiate change not possible with many other therapies.
Sessions can be in person (Hamptons & NYC area only) or remote via Zoom.

Identify and clear limiting beliefs around a specific situation.
Transform stress triggers from an event or trauma from your past.
Uncover and release trapped emotions in the body.
This is only recommended for a specific issue as it usually takes a few sessions to cover all issues around a situation.
A 60-minute session via zoom or in person if local.
Session Fee: $250.
Transform an on-going issue such as self-worth, weight loss, insomnia, money, career or relationship issues.
Focus on a specific goal or project and clear limiting beliefs and blocks.
Uncover and release trapped emotions in the body.
(4) 60-minute sessions via zoom or in person if local.
Package Fee:$850, paid in full or two payments of $450. Sessions must be used within two months.
Identify and release trapped emotions in the body which can contribute to physical symptoms, challenges and blocks and unwanted emotional states.
Zoom or phone only.
Session Fee: $90 for 30 mins.
A 3-month experience to ReSET your subconscious mind to how it was intended before life got in the way. Custom designed for each client consisting of a combination of subconscious energy transformation modalities.
What results can you expect?
- Releasing resistance to making positive changes in your life such as letting go of habits & behaviors that don’t serve you or keep you in unhealthy patterns.
- Removal of subconscious stress triggers from past trauma or fears. You will no longer react to fearful or stressful situations similar to what you experienced in your past.
- Discover & release trapped emotions which are energetic blocks stored in the body & can lead to illness, challenges and emotional distress.
(10) 60-minute Subconscious Energy Transformation sessions.
Package Fee: $3200, paid in full (or monthly payments of $1125). Sessions must be used within the 3-Month period.
All sessions include an online pre-session form to get clarity for the focus of the sessions and make the best use of our time together and a written recap of each session and follow-up actions agreed upon.

“The subconscious mind is like a precocious five-year-old with lots of information, but not much wisdom, and yet it's ruling 95% of your beliefs, thoughts and habits” - Rob Williams, Founder of PSYCH-K
PSYCH-K® is an extraordinary, easy, quick and highly effective process to transform long-term, dominant and limiting subconscious beliefs, past trauma and stress triggers which create obstacles to living the life you want. It liberates you by restructuring all mind programmed limiting beliefs into supportive and empowering ones to help you reach your potential.
Scientific research has shown that at least 95% of our life is automatically operated by our subconscious mind, without our awareness of it. The subconscious mind is like a storage warehouse of limiting beliefs and old outdated “programs” that are no longer true for who we are, or who we are becoming.
These powerful but limiting programs and beliefs continuously affect our lives in all aspects, including relationships, self-confidence, finances, career, and even our health and physical condition.
PSYCH-K® is a unique blend of contemporary and ancient tools for permanent change, derived from neuroscience research. This process transcends many standard methods such as visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking and is especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness and stress reduction.
The Emotion Code is a powerful method of finding and releasing trapped negative emotions from past experiences that have been stored in the body through our subconscious minds’ desire to protect us from further suffering. Science has found that emotions impact our biology at the cellular level. Every emotion has its own energetic frequency and when these energies lodge in the body, the frequency causes an imbalance affecting the organs and tissues, disturbs your whole energy field, thoughts and mood and can create pain, malfunction and disease. Trapped emotions are like balls of energy and can affect not only where they are stuck in the body but can also disturb overall balance and health. Each trapped emotion comes from a specific time or event that was experienced either by you or someone else that you inherited or absorbed the energy from.
A Heart-Wall is unresolved, unprocessed and trapped emotions carried around the heart and it’s estimated that 93% of people have a literal wall of negative energy surrounding the heart, made of multiple layers of trapped emotions. The Heart-Wall is created by the subconscious mind in order to protect the heart from grievous injury. The problem is that having a Heart-Wall will keep “protecting” you from certain situations in life that are no longer a threat, but instead leave you feeling disconnected and unfulfilled.
Symptoms of trapped emotions:
*Self-sabotage or low self-esteem *Negative self-talk/beliefs about self/others *Rejection, betrayal, or abandonment *PTSD *Physical illness * Financial hardship *Relationship issues

What Can Be Addressed with Subconscious Energy Transformation Sessions?
Relationships * Confidence & Self-Esteem * Relationships * Career & Business * Allergies * Weight Loss *Chronic Health Issues* Money Blocks * Insomnia & Sleep Issues * Phobias & Fears * OCD & Addictive Behaviors * Personal Power & Success * Anxiety & Depression * Stress Triggers & Trauma
1) There is a Permission protocol. This is an important feature of all PSYCH-K processes as unlike many self-help techniques, it does not assume it is a good idea to “fix” a situation without first considering the possibility that the problem may actually be serving a higher purpose. “Problems” can simply be conscious or subconscious strategies for fulfilling important needs in your life, meaning the problem you want to get rid of may actually be a solution to a much greater problem. The change process uses muscle testing to get permission from both the subconscious and superconscious minds before making the change to assure the safety and appropriateness of proceeding with the process.
2) The Superconscious connection: Whether you call it Superconscious Mind, Higher Self, Spirit, Soul, etc, there is a part of consciousness beyond our conscious and subconscious minds. The superconscious mind is different from either of the other “minds.” as it always considers the bigger picture and has a much broader view. Its job is to oversee the developmental process of your growth and evolution.
PSYCH-K® can help remove beliefs that often keep you in a loop of self-sabotage. It can transform the perception of stress triggers and past trauma thereby eliminating a response in the present of past experiences.
For health issues it is great complement to standard medical treatment as it helps to activate the body’s natural self-healing properties. It can also change the perception of a medical situation, allowing the body to heal faster.
PSYCH-K® is a unique series of protocols stemming from years of brain research combined with ancient shamanic practices. It creates a “whole-brain state” which dramatically reduces resistance to change and makes the subconscious more receptive to the input of new information. Since the subconscious mind operates just like a programmed computer, PSYCH-K® can rewrite old information that doesn’t serve you by communicating with the subconscious in a way that is easy, direct and verifiable through muscle testing.
Whether a session is facilitated in person or remote via Zoom, the protocols are basically the same, the only difference being I do the muscle testing on myself through surrogation for remote sessions. We transform any stress around the particular situation by changing the perception of that event, releasing the trigger. We then uncover any limiting beliefs and create new supportive ones to imprint into the subconscious mind. At the end of the session, you decide what actions you will take to support these new beliefs.
Some people feel immediate shifts as they integrate the balances into their subconscious and for others it takes a little longer. Can be days, weeks or longer depending on how layered this issue is and if there are secondary gains in not releasing certain beliefs and triggers. It’s best to come into a session with an open mind and be curious to the process and what insight may be gained.
“Laura's thoughtful, compassionate and distinctive coaching technique along with the PSYCH-K balances have truly helped me to overcome issues which have long prevented me from achieving my professional goals. I have worked with different coaches in the past and never has anyone been able to help me pinpoint the blocks that keep me from fulfilling my potential as Laura has. Her insightfulness is profound and her skills in helping me to let go of the things that have held me back have been astonishing. With Laura's help I have shed behaviors and beliefs that kept me from flourishing and as a result I am making great strides forward in both my professional and personal life. If you are stuck in any way or have habits/thoughts that keep you from being or doing your best, then I highly recommend working with Laura. Her talents will help you to transform your life in a most positive way!” - Eliza G. East Hampton