From Anti-Aging to Age-Less Workshop


A live online transformational workshop to remove the programs & beliefs which signal you to get "old".

Join Subconscious Energy Transformation specialist Laura Gevanter & Quantum Healer and Consciousness Architect Janine-Regan Sinclair for this 2-hour workshop where we will examine how society programs us literally from birth to start aging and what is means to “get old”.

We explore the conditioning we have received, our beliefs around aging, the media’s messages and how putting our attention, and focus makes this a self-fulfilling prophecy. Janine will review how trapped emotions can manifest lines in specific areas of your face and how we can release them. She will also remove programs in the subconscious mind around aging through her unique quantum healing protocol. Laura will help us reframe our perspective around aging, create new beliefs about what “aging” means and lead a group balance to release stress triggers around aging.

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